If there is a regularly recurring match between the phonetic structure of basic words with similar meanings a genetic kinship can probably be established.
Topics in Yalálag Zapotec, with particular reference to its phonetic structures.
This is related to an urban tendency to simplify the phonetic and grammatical structure of the language.
In the original Arabic, the chapters and verses employ phonetic and thematic structures that assist the audience's efforts to recall the message of the text.
According to Dajnko, the old script had shown clear deficiencies, since it did not fit well with the phonetic structure of Slovene.
They tend to follow a loose logic of sound rather than the strict phonetic structure of Cued Speech.
Ward, Ida C. (1933) The phonetic and tonal structure of Efik.
Children's invented spellings help teachers understand what students know and do not know about the phonetic structure of the language.
The phonetic structure of the Greek language created too many ambiguities when the vowels went unrepresented, so the script was modified.
Then, when you come to writing a new song, what you enter into the machine is the phonetic and rhythmic structure.