Infants must be able to hear and play with sounds in their environment, and to break up various phonetic units to discover words and their related meanings.
The question was, she said, "are the phonetic units - the sounds of language - modified in any way so as to enhance learning?"
Loss of phonetic autonomy and adaptation to adjacent phonetic units.
Prenasalised stops, while requiring two phonetic units, exist as a single phonemic unit.
The Japanese word cow, meaning "sound", corresponds to a mora, a phonetic unit similar but not identical to the syllable of a language such as English.
The hand gestures contain a restricted set of phonetic units, a syllabic organization and are used without reference or meaning.
It is used to mean the phonetic units counted in haiku, tanka and other such poetic forms.
Since HARPY laid out each potential utterance as a path it had no need to segment the input into phonetic units before matching.
English written syllabification therefore deals with a concept of "syllable" that doesn't correspond to the linguistic concept or a phonetic (as opposed to morphological) unit.
Vocal imitation occurs potentially in regard to a diverse range of phonetic units and types of vocalization.