Initially, we examined the main effect of phonological processing by combining the results from the two experimental tasks and comparing them with the control tasks.
FIG. 2 Cerebral regions associated with phonological processing.
The location of rCBF increases associated with phonological processing is shown as t-maps in the second row.
If students with double deficits receive instruction only in phonological processing, they are only receiving part of what they need.
In one study, phonological and orthographic processing created higher recall value in word list-recall tests.
Some data suggest that BA44 is more involved in phonological and syntactic processing.
About 15 percent of the population, usually because of difficulty with phonological processing, lack the "talent" to easily learn to read.
The program aims to close the gap between students who are weak in phonological processing and reading skills and those who are excellent readers.
Others however dispute the link between RAN testing and phonological processing.
Still other studies focus on the relationship between phonological processing and orthographic processing.