There are also phonological similarities with French, which however may be coincidental.
Some substitution errors which are based on phonological similarities supply evidence that the mental lexicon is also organized in terms of sound.
Along with these phonological similarities to other dialects, San'ani Arabic also has several unique features.
Phonological regularity (regularity of sound correspondences, not direct phonological similarity)
Articulatory suppression prevents this transfer, and in that case the above mentioned effect of phonological similarity is erased for visually presented items.
Thus, phonological similarity can both decrease and increase TOT states.
The Hebrew name Talia bears phonological similarities to names found in other languages.
Kriol shares phonological similarities with many Caribbean English Creoles as well as to English, its superstrate language.
It was probably conflated with that of the "Arbanitai" at some stage due to phonological similarity.
Too little is known of their languages for classification, though they seem to have had phonological similarities with languages of the mainland.