"We need to have a mechanism," he said, "to stop phony numbers from getting into the budget."
"I'm saying they basically come out with phony numbers," he said.
The governor used the phrase "phony numbers," but if you look at the plan and add the numbers up, these numbers are correct.
People lost billions of dollars, misled by phony numbers ratified by the accountants.
"We didn't want to go out there with essentially false or phony numbers," said Condoleezza Rice, the president's national security adviser.
And he announced that he would offer his own balanced budget, without the cruel cuts and phony numbers of the Gingrich plan.
I gave him a phony number.
Too dark, and besides he had stuck phony numbers on his plate and covered it with plastic that made everything hard to read.
A bill with phony numbers probably could not make it through the House and Senate intact.
To do so Shlaes trots out the same phony numbers used by anti-tax members of Congress.