The surf boomed on the beach, and made a phosphorescent glow in the night.
Moonlight filled the room, lighting it with a phosphorescent glow.
It shows as a red stain during the day and a blue phosphorescent glow at night.
Along the edge of the glass, a phosphorescent red glow was darkening as it cooled.
Sanaya's eyes seemed to light up from within with a phosphorescent glow.
If they ship me off the Hill, I've got nothing to lose except a phosphorescent glow.
And it was dark, except for the phosphorescent glow of the tube.
It was hard, exhausting work, but the thought of hitting land by following the phosphorescent glow spurred them all on.
The tiny room was filled with a weird, phosphorescent glow.
The only thing he could see was the merwoman's hair: It had a faint phosphorescent glow.