Three photos of her dead son hang on the walls of their council terraced house.
There is a timeline with thumbnail photos of his son, for example, at different ages from birth to adulthood.
There is a photo of my son that I have set as my computer's desktop wallpaper.
Nasida Mohammed showed me a photo of her 7-year-old son, who had been killed in the shelling.
"I remember when the Iraqi soldiers came to the house to take him," she said, gently running her fingertips across the photo of her son.
One woman held up a framed photo of her son.
The only low point was the last album, with a photo of his son in hospital.
Once I even found a photo of my son, who was quoted in an article about the air wing.
She also had my brother-in-law's mother gather up photos of her son.
The parents' lawsuit alleges photos of their son, who was killed in Iraq in 2007, were used without permission.