"Booming Out" also shows photo reproductions from the last 100 years as it describes an industrial world of urban elbow grease, fearlessness and architectural grandeur.
Accompanying the exhibition is a catalog with photo reproductions tucked loosely in the back.
Or perhaps it was the exercise-book department (the covers bear a photo reproduction of a smiling nomad girl and a slogan: "Let's fight illiteracy!")
That is fine for most business documents, but for graphics, charts and photo reproductions it leaves something to be desired.
The copyright has expired on the 1867 edition and a bound photo reproduction of that edition is published by a private concern.
This style is can be used for complex art and photo reproduction.
For two weeks I printed photo reproductions of that notebook, while Mr. Fuller chatted at my side in the darkroom.
Overall, the N1 display is beautiful and vivid with dark blacks and incredible photo reproduction.
Drawings: one by Pablo Picasso (half-tone photo reproduction).
When Thompson's book was published in 1967, it included very detailed charcoal drawings of important individual frames, plus photo reproductions of the four missing frames.