Instead, there are the complexities of photo-editing software.
With help from photo-editing software, scanners have long made it possible for people to breathe new life, or at least color, into faded family photographs.
The photo-editing software was rudimentary at best.
You can use your photo-editing software to make the picture smaller by using a Resize command.
Several 3-D applications are bundled with it, including a movie player, photo-editing software and a handful of games.
You won't need to spend a lot of money on expensive photo-editing software.
If you have a digital camera and a computer, you might enjoy using photo-editing software and tinkering.
Photo management programs are not complete substitutes for full photo-editing software like Photoshop.
Using a nifty 1990's piece of photo-editing software, the editors were able to erase Ken Lay.
Simpler photo-editing software usually has an option to sepia-tone an image in one step.