The Telephone Historical Centre Archives also contain photographs chronicling the telephone's use in Edmonton.
Soaking in Gianni Amelio's gorgeously atmospheric film "The Way We Laughed" is like leafing through an album of beautiful vintage photographs chronicling the lives of people you think you know but don't.
Staff of Associated Press, for its portfolio of photographs chronicling the horror and devastation in Rwanda.
The most personal touch is the Reagan memorabilia, with more than 40 gilt-framed photographs chronicling his life, including one of him happily tossing a paper airplane from the suite's balcony.
One could date the emergence of the New Photojournalism to the publication of "Nicaragua," Susan Meiselas's 1981 book of photographs chronicling the Sandinista revolution.
Included will be terra-cotta fragments, linen blueprints and original gargoyles, as well as photographs chronicling the stages in the building progress.
Even now, a major display about the Vietnam War is just a timeline of photographs chronicling the 60's and early 70's, punctuated with postings of American troop strength in Vietnam.
The German Sigmar Polke's "New York Beggars" (1974) is a lithograph made from four photographs chronicling a case of what would later be called homelessness.
"After the Fire," photographs chronicling the recovery of students injured in the dormitory fires at Seton Hall University in 2000.