The series of photographs, entitled "The Visit" was made available to the public in limited quantities.
The club appeared to be well established by that time, as it featured in the Brisbane Courier with a photograph entitled "Among the metropolitan football clubs".
His most famous photograph entitled "Water Rats" was taken in 1886.
The stamp was based on a photograph entitled Ground Zero Spirit.
It was this series of photographs, entitled the Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow, that ensured his prosperity.
In 2002, he published a book of photographs entitled "The Shekhina Project."
Martha Camarillo published a book of photographs entitled, "Fletcher Street."
From the late 1980s through the 1990s, Seidemann took a series of 302 aviation-themed photographs entitled "The Airplane as Art".
Tina Modotti took this photograph entitled Telegraph Wires in 1925.
In early 2011, Templeton released a book featuring a collection of photographs, entitled Teenage Kissers.