Screenshots are not professionally photographed images: they are not 'film stills' released for promotional purposes or sold as merchandise.
Each of these photographed images may be referred to as a negative and an entire strip or set of images may be collectively referred to as "the negatives".
Fee photographed images that he thought represented United States cultural icons in decline, such as crumbling drive-in movie theaters and rusting, abandoned cars.
They used the camera against itself, photographing or simulating existing images as a way of examining the pervasiveness and social role of photographs.
"We were asked to come up with a way of photographing computer-generated images that was unique to the series, applying cinematic rules to CGI."
Its imposing 50-m (166-ft) five-story pagoda, Japan's second-largest after Toji in Kyoto, is one of Nara's most photographed images.
Initial inspiration for the company came while photographing images of the planet Jupiter.
As color photography became popular and commonplace, color frequently became an important criterion while choosing subjects to photograph, or for selecting from previously photographed images.
He is best known for photographing, in 1858 and 1860, definitive iconic images of the beardless Abraham Lincoln.
But I photographed, tried capturing images I could use to enlighten somebody back home.