Any photographer assigned to shoot a portrait of Germany's Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, with his challenger, Gerhard Schroder, would face a nearly insurmountable problem.
Becky (Lucy Deakins) is a budding photographer assigned to work on the school yearbook.
Written by Hutchinson, and artwork by Marcus Smith and Nick Dismas, the story is about a photographer assigned to take pictures of Michael Myers.
Bernardi managed a team of military (U.S., Australian and New Zealand) and NGO (Project Hope) photographers, videographers and writers assigned to document and report on the mission.
But for many photographers assigned to work with Mr. Blair, he was often just a voice on the phone, one saying he was on his way or just around the corner.
At the paper, she was an inquiring photographer assigned to do a light feature in which people were asked about a topic of the day; their comments appeared with their photos.
When his service ended in February 2008, Klika became a contract employee for the National Guard in Smyma, Tennessee, where he currently supervises civilian photographers assigned to the National Guard.
In September 1945 he was one of two photographers assigned by the Special Committee for the Investigation of A-bomb Damage to document the aftermath of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In 1970, he began working for the Somali Film Agency as a photographer assigned to international relations and as a consultant for productions with other countries.
The story, by Richard Serrano, quotes Alan Leo, a photographer assigned to the engineering unit to which Gore was also attached.