Local photographers created the first reproductions of Peredvizhniki's paintings, which helped popularize the works and could be bought at exhibitions.
At the same time, "Women in Mexico" makes clear that Mexican photographers have created and continue to create images of a high order.
The Standard edition allows photographers and graphic artists to create their own filters.
Some photographers created custom presets available for download.
For the first half of 2010, we decided we wanted our readers (and photographers) to create their vision of the...
The photographers documented the situation of poor farmers, whose economic existence was threatened, and created a new style with photographic documentation of social problems.
The writer and photographer did not create a "human interest" story but a flip, stereotypical mishmash.
Working with the awkward daguerreotype process, photographers could not create pictures of the battlefield dead or wounded.
Some cameras have little keyboards so photographers can create their own titles.
That is, photographers weren't simply creating events by doctoring pictures, they were staging performances and scenes for the camera.