This excellent, Boston-based photographer presents a selection from 20 years of her work in her first solo show in New York.
It covered some events no photographer ever saw, presented a highly personal response to the war and was seen by millions.
After two years of Nominee membership, a photographer may present another portfolio if wanting to apply for 'Associate Membership'.
The two photographers, each represented by a slew of work, present an engaging contrast.
The Photographers Lecture Series invites photographers to present their work while sharing ideas and concerns about the medium.
This Swiss-born photographer presents seven enormous color photographs of people on the streets of Sydney and Tokyo.
The popular photographer known for his beautiful summer vacation pictures presents 10 large-format seascapes dating from 1979 to the present.
A photographer interested in the complicated ways we relate to nature here presents medium-large color pictures of little spiders in the midst of expansive, gossamer webs.
Several leading photographers present their vision.
Because, at the end of the interview, the photographer presented my mother with a cheque - for one hundred rupees.