A registration pin is a device intended to hold a piece of film, paper or other material in place during photographic exposure, copying or drawing.
Photographic processing is the chemical means by which photographic film and paper is treated after photographic exposure to produce a negative or positive image.
Observation of the Earth's surface proved unproductive, however, because of heavy cloud cover and bad photographic exposures.
For determining practical photographic exposure, a hemispherical sensor has proven more effective.
Mr. Huys's windmill arms created the illusion of a multiple photographic exposure as he whirled onstage before shifting his weight while airborne.
For the first time, the image is not mixed like a photographic double exposure.
They are useful for making photographic exposures longer.
It's like a photographic double exposure.
The artist sees both scene and drawing surface simultaneously, as in a photographic double exposure.
-usually photographic exposure followed by chemical etch, though also by direct laser engraving.