From other clues, they fired a high-energy photon beam probably produced by intense matter-antimatter reaction.
For a single photon beam, this doesn't matter-only one detector can click at any one time.
With the matter-conversion drive we can take off from anywhere, but the photon beam would leave boiling rock behind us.
These could make minor repairs when the planetary crust shifted in a common Class One incident, not even interrupting the photon beam.
A beam spoiler is a piece of material, placed into the path of the photon beam in radiotherapy.
As the primary photon beam passes through the plate, secondary electrons are generated.
Pair production happens sometimes in radiation therapy treatments with high-energy photon beams.
Courion briefly directed the lumane down, but even the powerful photon beam could not reach the bottom.
"Now the little photon beams in the crown-of-thorns are drilling his skull," Dalembert said.
In the first case, this voltage is the maximum electric potential used by a linear accelerator to produce the photon beam.