That phrase - "I'm just another guy out there" - conveys a troubling reality for the Knicks.
Like skillful caricatures, these phrases frequently convey harsh polemical truth.
The phrase "only a few months" conveyed a suggestion that the department thought the period was inappropriately short.
The phrase is not derogatory but conveys a sense of overindulgence.
This phrase, uttered in my hearing yesterday, would have only conveyed the notion that she was about to be removed to Northumberland, to her own home.
She wasn't looking at us, but every phrase in her body language conveyed her awareness of Jimmy.
The phrase "lead to" conveys the causal relation between the reckless driving and the predicted accident.
What subtleties of meaning does it express that no other phrase conveys?
The phrase conveyed scary images to the Germans and the Japanese.