Furthermore, it is suggested through mitochondrial analysis, that phylogenetic groups within the red colobus have been genetically isolated from another since the Pliocene.
Denitrifiers are represented in all main phylogenetic groups.
One such phylogenetic group was found to mostly comprise of "acid stable" virus isolates, surviving pH 3.6 for 1 hour at room temperature.
Secondary metabolites are often restricted to a narrow set of species within a phylogenetic group.
Methods are presented in this manual for three species of freshwater organisms from three phylogenetic groups.
According to molecular phylogenetics studies, this section forms a definite phylogenetic group within the milk cap relatives.
Not being a true phylogenetic group, soft-bodied organism vary enormously in anatomy.
One can design phylum-level oligonucleotide primers to get at questions regarding phylogenetic groups.
Data from multiple phylogenetic groups support a combination of dominance and faster X-chromosome theories.
Both genera form a single phylogenetic group.