Nevertheless, neighbor joining has been largely superseded by phylogenetic methods that do not rely on distance measures and offer superior accuracy under most conditions.
Their work involves computational phylogenetic methods applied to lexicon and, mainly by others, cultural evolution.
During the 1990s archaeologists began to use phylogenetic methods borrowed from Cladistics.
Molecular phylogenetic methods have been widely used to determine the degree of relationship between organisms.
Trees are generated using standard phylogenetic methods.
Using the past to predict the present: Confidence intervals for regression equations in phylogenetic comparative methods.
Within-species variation and measurement error in phylogenetic comparative methods.
That successful test, if it is formalized by biological phylogenetic methods, makes the above fast chemical evolution part of what happened on Earth.
Statistical support for this group remains weak, indicating insufficient data have been applied, or the group is an artifact of some phylogenetic method.
Hybridization makes attempts to determine relationships with molecular phylogenetic methods difficult.