Shipp could endure his coach's physical rigor, he said, but not the verbal abuse.
Basic classes often have members quit due to the round-the-clock physical and mental rigors of the paramilitary training course.
They were old enough to have learned a great deal, but young enough to endure the physical rigors of the work.
But Thorstvedt believes physical rigours of the English game will sort out the men from the boys.
Contributing to these results is the sheer physical rigor of the dance classes.
Today's dancers, he said, come better prepared to grapple with the work's physical rigors.
"Rather than being put off by the intellectual and physical rigor, they are attracted by it," she said.
Deendayal, however, could not withstand the physical rigour of the training, though standing out in its educational segment.
And the school allowed the physical rigors of the paramilitary program to fulfill his physical education requirement.
Their focus is on the race and preparing for the physical and mental rigors of competition.