To state the obvious, when you watch a film the performers are physically absent.
Pop Pop, Unky, and the Tides are physically absent.
Although Pangloss is physically absent for much of the story, he is always present in spirit.
It appears a perfect balm for the sting of social exclusion, or neglect by emotionally or physically absent parents.
College football and basketball players, those "unpaid professionals," as a leading sports economist, Andrew Zimbalist, dubs them, were physically absent.
Ronald Reagan, physically absent from the Republican National Convention, will nonetheless be everywhere in San Diego.
Lee said his dad had been an angry alcoholic who was always emotionally and physically absent.
So intense is its sanctity that, while a throne has been prepared for it in the show, the Guru Granth itself is physically absent.
The viewer may be physically absent, but remains psychologically present.
When Nora admits to her affair, Bernie goes from a stock character, the emotionally and physically absent husband, to a lying tyrant.