The last time he had tried to say hello to Bowie had been on the 1983 Serious Moonlight tour, when he had been physically barred by the 'Karate-style' security.
In some instances, the report said, Colombian military units that receive United States aid have physically barred Government investigators or prosecutors from arresting those implicated in killing civilians, and military officers accused of directing paramilitary killings have continued to be promoted.
At one point, things got so nasty that Nordon (who held 740 shares in 1927 and whose family had been investing in JIBC stock since 1873) was physically barred from one of the HBCs annual Courts and had to sneak in through a fire escape.
Neither Mr. Redman nor the White House spokesman, Larry Speakes, would say whether Mr. Marcos was correct in asserting that he had been told he would be physically barred from getting on a plane.
When the American Civil War broke out in 1861, he was a strong supporter of the Union, but physically barred from active service.
At the moment, we've had one very big rally, addressed by the leading MB cleric, from which the figurehead of the young vibrant democratic Egyptian revolution, Wael Ghoneim, was physically barred.
When 90 percent of the South African black population are physically barred from training programs available to whites, where is the fairness or equality of opportunity?
So he was physically barred when he was solid, and spiritually barred when he was insubstantial.
He is physically barred from entry by Seeno, Hearno, and Speakno, but finds a way around them.
So up from London was flown one of the most famous chefs in the country, along with his entourage (an extremely annoyed and insistent fly-on-the-wall TV crew from the BBC were only prevented from accompanying him by being physically barred from the helicopter).