Many, it seems, physically reside together in the same households without ever really knowing one another.
Some sophisticated keys may make information logically uncrackable, but keys to decipher that information must physically reside on machines.
But the cables and chips that make such transactions possible have to physically reside somewhere.
It has also been suggested that the third eye (Ajna) physically resides at this location between the two hemispheres of the brain.
The key to the Web is hyper-linking, a technology that permits a publisher to create links among related documents, regardless of where on the computer network they physically reside.
A database may physically reside on any device supported for directly-addressable I/O operations by Windows.
She would know then where it physically resided, and that, she could change.
Typically, network block devices are used to access a storage device that does not physically reside in the local machine but on a remote one.
Whenever a program tries to access the device, this kernel module forwards the request to the server machine, where the data physically resides.
This conception also includes as citizens those who physically reside within the territories of multiple other states, but continue to engage politically, economically, socially and culturally in their countries of origin.