During the outbreak of the 1st Huffman Conflict, Walter was physically scarred by a shell casing from a wanzer.
Donald "Donny" Kohler is deeply disturbed individual who was emotionally and physically scarred by burns inflicted on him by his mother.
The father had been emotionally and physically scarred by his experiences, and responded to his emotional and financial frustrations by beating and berating his wives, children, and others he loved.
The violence has physically scarred this city of 3.5 million, but the corrosive anger of the Muslims will be even harder to repair.
During her time in hospital she was not just scarred physically but was also subjected to a medical experiment.
She is physically scarred and showed this to the courtroom at large.
Doesn't mat- ter that she couldn't have known just how bad it would be or that she'd end up physically scarred from it.
Although grievously scarred physically and emotionally, both have since recovered.
Valois's unit eventually rescues him but he is scarred physically and psychologically by the events.
Many of the young men and women he now seeks to help are emotionally and sometimes also physically scarred.