To date, 13,270 physicians have graduated from the School of Medicine with 97% being board certified.
A physician must also certify that they are physically well.
If a physician certifies that your transition is complete, you are eligible for a full validity ten-year passport.
A police sergeant, Joseph Brazas, said a physician had certified that the death appeared to have been of natural causes.
Hospice care under the Medicare Hospice Benefit, however, requires that two physicians certify that a patient has less than six months to live if the disease follows its usual course.
For a worker to be granted time off to care for a sick child, parent or spouse, the employer may require that a physician certify the illnes.
A physician certified him as unable to perform his duties.
But a child who has a durable power of attorney, can step in and take over the parent's financial affairs as soon as a physician certifies the parent is not competent.
A growing body of research suggests that physicians who are board certified deliver higher quality of care than their non-certified colleagues and that board certification is correlated with:
To all appearances Alwyn was DEAD--any physician would have certified the fact, though how he had come by his death there was no evidence to show.