Rather, the physicians did not consider the correct diagnosis in the first place.
All these are factors the woman and her responsible physician necessarily will consider in consultation.
This is often a judgment call, based in part on what the physician or the patient considers too long a labor.
If the physician does not consider these factors in writing a prescription, there is a greater chance of adverse effects.
If physicians only consider "progestins," the statement above makes sense.
Many physicians do not consider that a patient has high blood pressure until the diastolic reading is 95 or higher.
Charity work would scarcely allow her to earn much of a living, which was why most male physicians wouldn't even consider it.
In such treatment, after a thorough history and examination, a physician will consider all options.
Many physicians did not consider the costs, which were often routinely covered by insurance.
Some physicians consider it a real entity that has specific diagnostic criteria.