The president of the society, Dr. Robert S. Rigolosi, estimated yesterday that 5,000 to 10,000 physicians would participate.
As late as the mid-19th century, John Gorham Coffin, a prominent professor and medical physician wondered how any ethical physician could participate in the traffic of dead bodies.
If such assistants are not available, other physicians who are experienced in assisting may participate.
Twelve physicians consented and participated in the single focus group (63% participation rate).
Lifelong learning and self-assessment - physicians participate in a minimum amount of continuing medical education and self-assessment programs.
Two physicians also participated.
To be sure, even now physicians participate in the deaths of patients, largely through acts of omission.
After such training is completed or even without any training, working or visiting in other nations is a route through which many physicians participate in international emergency medicine.
"Licensed physicians sometimes participated in such schemes, typically exchanging their signatures on medical records for cash, without actually performing or overseeing any medical services," the report said.
The hospital and its physicians participate on numerous managed care and other health insurance plans throughout Metro Atlanta.