Her father is a physician practicing in the Philadelphia area.
The number of physicians practicing in Bolivia has doubled in recent years, to about 130 per 100,000 citizens, a comparable ratio for the region.
More physicians practicing in Central New York received their training here than at any other medical school.
Many physicians practicing in suburban areas apparently received many fewer calls.
A physician practicing in a federal facility may have a license from any state, not just the one they are residing in.
Compassion is one of the most important attributes for physicians practicing medical services.
The hospital will also survey physicians practicing in the area to find out how they might be persuaded to refer their patients to the hospital.
But private physicians practicing donor insemination are not obligated to do so.
Well-known physicians practicing in Singapore and overseas received their postgraduate clinical training in the hospital.
The school has trained roughly half of the physicians currently practicing in the state.