"Our goal was to get physicians to realize that lowering blood pressure should be the primary area of focus in treating diabetes."
The young physician realized the need for caution.
The physician realized suddenly that it would be unwise to prolong this meeting.
A:I think physicians have always realized there was this healthy group.
In the 19th century, bathing became a more accepted practice as physicians realized some of the benefits that cleanliness could provide.
The physicians eventually realized that he had prostate cancer, which had spread.
This view prevailed for 2,000 years, until physicians in the 17th century realized that hypochondriacal fears probably originated in the brain, not the body.
These groups may make up a larger proportion of the patient population than physicians have realized, he said.
In the fraction of a second the physician realized the situation.
First thinking him to be intoxicated, physicians soon realized that his illness was of a more serious nature.