Until recently, most physicians would have referred someone like Susan Malloy to a psychiatrist, and many still do.
And, he said, physicians often refer patients back and forth so that several doctors can submit bills.
Even in affluent countries, physicians must often refer patients to outside labs for tests rather than performing them in their offices.
State officials said this arrangement might influence physicians to refer fewer patients to specialists.
However," it continued, "when physicians refer patients to facilities in which they have an ownership interest, a potential conflict of interest exists.
The shortages have seemed worse recently, and private physicians are referring parents to county clinics, which seem to get supplies faster.
Find one that bears this number" - the physician referred to the card and gave the number - "and station yourself near at hand.
Bob's physician referred him to me after tactfully suggesting that Bob's stomach pains were likely the result of having "two" women in his life.
Does the physician frequently refer patients to specialists or does he/she prefer to manage the majority of your care themselves?
Alec did not ask what the physician was referring to.