A physician seeks to learn why a deadly epidemic has struck a group of hospitals and clinics.
The academic environment encourages physicians to seek innovative solutions to patients' problems.
In the most common cases of low back pain, professional organizations recommend that physicians not immediately seek a diagnosis but instead begin treatment to reduce pain.
The physician received a pension of 15,000 livres from the king of France and sought to influence the Russian foreign policy accordingly.
"Often physicians abusing drugs will suffer episodes of impotence and actively seek extramarital affairs."
The historical record is unclear why a physician sought appointment to this post.
Spanish physicians sought out local physicians in search of local medicines that would treat these "new" ailments.
Many physicians have sought to identify the focal meaning of what it is to be a doctor in an effort to revitalize the profession.
If a physician seeks legal action, the payment cheaters employ a variety of evasive tactics.
Again he became the suave physician and his persuasive voice sought to regain the confidence of Murdock.