At that point, an astute physician may suspect the diagnosis just from the breast/hair discrepancy.
One physician suspected that I had suffered three ministrokes.
Regular x-rays may appear completely normal so some physicians will not suspect this as a diagnosis and may say the pain is psychosomatic.
Max and his fellow physicians suspect toxins to be the reason for the affection.
A health history and a physical examination can in many patients lead the physician to suspect endometriosis.
Many physicians suspect they are not.
A resident physician suspected that a third stone was stuck in the uretero-vesical pipe, but X rays failed to turn up one.
You're so right, physicians who are called in on cases of this sort almost never suspect the possibilities of homicidal poisoning.
Had he glanced behind him, the physician might have suspected that someone was on his trail.
When patients with intrusive thoughts do not respond to treatment, physicians may suspect past physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.