The physicist and storyteller Richard Feynman describes a time when he took part in a conference discussing "the ethics of equality".
The distinguished physicist, Sir Hermann Bondi, once described the sort of people who become scientists.
To explain this reaction, I must first introduce some concepts that help the physicist to describe what is happening in an inversion layer.
She is what physicists described as "the ultimate observer", and can see all the quantum possibilities and choose which will become reality.
It is what a physicist might describe as an acceptable first approximation.
Reflect that science fiction also does not represent the universe as twentieth-century physicists and astronomers describe it.
It is a search for what nuclear physicists describe as terra incognita, an unknown land of atomic science.
Read that as "chagrino", thought that physicists had described the fundamental particle of embarrassment.
But Burnish's explanation was very much how a human physicist would have described it: "The Assassins are creatures of energy, not matter.
For example, some physicists describe gravity in terms of ten dimensions all curled up.