He was a physics instructor at Brigham Young University from 1972-1973.
After graduation he was a physics instructor in Leipzig from 1803 until 1808.
Among them was William Jasper Spillman, a botany and physics instructor.
In 2012, Leff wrote a detailed five-part series for physics instructors treating entropy as the spreading of energy.
He was also a physics instructor and lectured for the aeronautics department at Caltech.
Starting as an assistant instructor, he was appointed physics instructor in three weeks time.
This work continued while served as a physics instructor at the nearby Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1919 to 1920.
It is written by David Anez, a physics instructor who lives in the American Midwest.
One of the two physics instructors is the physicist Ernest M. Henley.
It is gratifying that an experienced math professor should echo what physics instructors like myself have been saying for years.