Few laymen are in a position to grasp whether this esoteric physics project is worth that kind of expenditure.
Bastin worked with David Bohm on other theoretical physics projects as well.
Some examples of prominent experimental physics projects are:
The Washington area was a logical setting, as so much money for physics projects comes from the Federal Government.
This was part of a physics project in which he was awarded a 15 Merit - an outstanding and very rare full mark.
Tonight's episode is about a physics project, bad dreams and the possible postponement of school tests because of a mysterious illness.
So many physics projects require them.
We are doing a physics project and I would also like to know the motions and laws involved in the ride.
Her final year was devoted to a physics project on spectra and photography, which became her Oberreal Abiturium.
"The managerial structure is much looser than in a physics project," he said.