The tools to study the physiological impact were not available at the time and are only now becoming available enabling the development of nutrigenomics.
Some physiological impact upon a certain center of the human brain, perhaps.
"There is real physiological impact from the frustration of the teen-agers' strivings in life," he said.
From a medical perspective, long duration space flight also has physiological impacts on astronauts.
Gastric bypass surgery has an emotional and physiological impact on the individual.
The physiological impact of mounting the specimen in perfluorodecalin is also minimal compared to water.
"Tell me, Doctor, have you ever discussed the physiological impact of suppressing emotions with a Vulcan before?"
A recent study by the University of Vermont reveals that snowshoeing's movement is similar to running but without the same physiological impact.
The philosophical, psychological and physiological impact of grunting on the game of tennis will, she said, have to be solved by someone else.
For adults, there is a greater risk of physiological impact as opposed to biochemical.