His physiologically based needs, or appetites, demand satisfaction, which is achieved through society's various culturally defined institutions.
Freud claimed to be committed to science, and he thought a physiologically based psychology was possible, even desirable.
Thus, a child is said by Skinner to vocalise because this kind of response is strongly reinforced through adult attention and the gratification of physiologically based needs.
And the notion of a link between intellectual curiosity and a physiologically based aphrodisia is an arresting one, full of possibilities.
Hack E.C., 2006, Bayesian analysis of physiologically based toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic models, Toxicology, 221:241-248.
When, for example, a person with bipolar disorder (a physiologically based mood disorder) is assigned to night-shift work, the ensuing sleep deprivation may precipitate a manic episode.
There is no agreement between scientists of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) BPA model for humans.
-The development of physiologically based mathematical models of skin absorption.
Modern evolutionary medicine identifies them with physiologically based self-treatments that provide the body with prophylactic, healing, or restorative capabilities against injuries, infections and physiological disruption.
Statistical issues in physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling.