II" in sound and content, featuring a dark piano loop and gritty street narratives, and also uses the chorus from that song in a verse.
"Oh Timbaland," the album's only true solo track, is built from a playful piano loop, menacing syncopations and strobed synthesizers.
Jay-Z stated in an interview that after he first heard the track's piano loops, he immediately thought of Keys and wanted her to be featured on the song.
With its scratchy piano loops and howl-along choruses, the debut O.D.B. album sounded like a party spinning out of control.
Brandon Howard provides a lush piano loop on "Kick, Push II".
He noted the song has a "fairly cool bass line and a great piano loop set over a pulsing dance beat house the vocals that everyone knows."
It features the first beat Eminem produced on his own, featuring an ominous bass line, a piano loop, and chimes.
The eighth track, "Tricky Angel", was inspired by R&B music and was composed around a series of piano loops.
It features a contemporary piano loop and jazz tones.
Other instruments featured in the production of this album include piano loops, guitars and synth strings.