"No other film has been dedicated to the life story of a real living creature, and it was certainly tough to put together this picaresque journey from birth to death."
The trip becomes a chaotically picaresque journey through a French countryside populated by bizarre characters and punctuated by violent car accidents.
Like all of Bester's books, it was ambitious: by turns a picaresque journey, a suspense novel, and a love story (this last being something he had never attempted before).
It continues to follow Myron Tany on a picaresque journey through the Gaean Reach.
It follows a young man named Myron Tany on a picaresque journey through the Gaean Reach.
"The plot line of most of the narrative constitutes a picaresque journey of incredible incidents, all governed by Divine Providence".
Francis Wheen refers to "a shaggy-dog story, a picaresque journey through the realms of higher nonsense."
Thus begins Vito's somberly picaresque journey, as he is pursued by a murderous peasant with a weather-beaten face scarred like a pirate's.
The tempers of the books, of course, are quite different, and Augie March's identity, while unmistakably Jewish, is far less central to his picaresque journey.
The elegiac "Frenchtown Summer" (1999), for example, is a quilt of loving memories, a picaresque journey through one boy's summer vacation.