Various other items, sheet metal cut-outs of pick axes and hammers stand out from the tunnel walls to accent the scenes.
Climbers keep their balance with a pair of sharp, serrated pick axes.
She'd realized four hundred percent from her first investment in a quantity of pick axes and pans.
At Lewis's funeral Irishmen with pick axes had to stand guard to ward off any further trouble.
Granite's secondary weapons are his pick axes located on his shoulders which can pivot to attack.
He is able to fire energy bolts from his disk launcher and his pick axes.
The measure can be effected in various ways, which range from demolition with pick axes to the use of explosives.
In 1807 Stevenson hired 60 men, including a blacksmith so that the pick axes used to cut the foundations could be re-sharpened on site.
Close-quarters fighting included the use of pick axes, until the resurrectionists retreated.
They came back to send to the city for pick axes.