They're much juicier and tastier when they haven't been picked early, put into cold storage and shipped abroad.
It had to be picked early, when the fruit was hard, to hold up to the rigors of shipping.
When picked early, it is green, when allowed to remain on the plant it ripens to a yellow color.
Therefore, they have to be picked early in the morning before dawn.
The chardonnay comes from Santa Barbara grapes that have been picked early, when the sugar content is lower, and then further "de-alcoholized" to 9.8 percent.
However in the program we see examples of fruit being cut open when it has been picked early.
When picked early, it makes a sweet and delicate stewed apple, but then can be used as a dessert apple.
Pauline's talent for English and drama means she is picked for important parts early on in her career.
As we were going to make a mess anyway, I boiled some ears of sweet corn that we had picked and frozen early in September.
The apples are picked early, and then allowed to ripen in the shop.