He has a passion for pickup basketball and tennis.
His father had died unexpectedly, at age 40, while playing pickup basketball.
He does not play pickup basketball at school, and if it is the week before a tournament, he sits out of gym class.
He'd even had time to start playing pickup basketball, something he'd not done since his days in medical school.
During the season, on off nights, he visits a gym to play pickup basketball with fellows from the neighborhood.
Five months ago, playing pickup basketball, he broke the arm again.
"I'd run into partners and clients at my health club, but I wasn't about to play a game of pickup basketball with them."
But I don't care if you're playing pickup basketball, you want to win.
"I was content to play pickup basketball, as I had always done," he said.
Games are played to eight "straight," which means that a player doesn't have to win by two points, sometimes a rule in pickup basketball.