Darkness in Caravaggio's Roman paintings was primarily a pictorial device.
This purely pictorial device is something we should never have imagined possible in fifth-century sculpture if we did not have it before us.
Freud's art seems increasingly full of pictorial devices designed to mask or compensate for the ways in which he fails as a traditional painter of the figure.
In the two outer frames his figure is shadowed by arrows, pictorial devices that Bacon often used to place a sense of energy into his paintings.
He saw that poetic inner impulses, laid bare by the pictorial devices of Surrealism, could be made accessible to the outer world.
The full relationship was first examined by means of a useful pictorial device: the scatterplot.
The term free body is usually associated wih the notion of a free body diagram, a pictorial device used by physicists and engineers.
By relying on overly familiar pictorial devices to heighten the drama of his scenes, though, he often reduces them to quotations of earlier pictures.
A number even manage to turn cliched pictorial devices to good use.
The arcades in this painting, as well as the deep perspectival space and dark-toned sky, are pictorial devices typical of de Chirico's strange, evocative works.