After the battle, that picture will develop in about ten real time minutes.
She withdrew visual perception from there, and let the picture of the main office develop.
He's just had the pictures developed, and he says that something's shown up on them that's almost driven him mad.
Kevin had absently put the camera down rather too close to the edge of the table in order to watch the picture develop.
When he got the pictures developed, he could just make out two tiny figures standing on the sand.
"After we're married," she smiled, "I'll give all this up and have my pictures developed at the corner drugstore."
We'll keep going right on past the islands while the pictures are developing.
He ran back to me with the camera as the picture was still developing.
Manipulation of the photograph is best done about two minutes after the picture has fully developed.
Viewers would see the picture develop while listening to the story, which usually ended with a cliffhanger.