Near the end, Allison was the first to have her picture displayed as digital art in the house.
The grainy black-and-white picture on the television screen displays a high school football game from 21 years ago.
The pictures displayed here are carefully selected making viewers remember the importance of a national leader, who lived his life as an example to all.
Inside the tower a picture displays the planned construction of the tower.
Again, mail reception can be done using many computers or just one -the picture displays two nearby boxes in either case.
They are commonly a series of illustrations, pictures or images displayed in sequence.
Celine had a moment of shock when she saw her own picture displayed there.
The accompanying picture displayed a woman leaning her head on a man's shoulder, with both sound asleep.
You can show or hide the Graffiti writing area as necessary; it's just a picture displayed on the screen rather than an actual opaque slab.
Thus, the actual picture displayed in an instant covers only half of the apparent picture area.