In the church must be a picture of Our Lady and a bell with which to call the Indians to prayer time.
A picture of Our Lady was floating on the waters, which disappeared as soon as the picture was taken.
According to tradition, the church received its name, from the picture of Our Lady which forms its coat of arms (the Blessed Virgin between two souls).
Her one disagreement with the manager was over a discarded picture of Our Lady she found amongst the junk of the cabinet works.
Now Prior Hilarius desired greatly to set a picture of Our Lady above the Altar in her Chapel.
Finally the pendant was replaced by a gold medal bearing the picture of Our Lady.
The Guadalupe Chapel at the church basement where the picture of Our Lady is enthroned with its flowing water that many pilgrims attest could heal.
On of these stones hit a small shrine depicting a picture of Our Lady of Mount Carmel which was hanging outside the bar.
His prayer room in Agra contained pictures of "our Lady and Christ."
The statue, located on the remains of Cardinal, is confronted with a picture of Our Lady of Antigua.