Yet most often the figure is oddly placed within the picture space.
There is a sense of isolation that goes on in his picture space.
From the very beginning, these inventors allowed picture space for two-shots.
No other figure is included, but her alarmed look out of the picture space to the right creates narrative tension.
The depiction was often very "close-up", with a half-length figure occupying nearly the whole picture space.
They have a tendency to expand, to fill the picture space.
He works with big brushes, and his paintings are brought to life by the rapid brush strokes which structure the picture space.
Each image is a complete story often told through a dense, receding picture space.
When viewed from a distance,the painting features a shiny, metallic ribbon, twisting and turning through the picture space.
The royal couple's reflection pushes in the opposite direction, forward into the picture space.