In an advertisement that has appeared in gun magazines, Mrs. Brady is pictured alongside Hitler.
Sir Iain Tennant (left) and the son of crew member P/O Alex Gill, who was also killed, pictured alongside the impressive memorial in the Cairngorms.
After this match he continued to play for Edinburgh University and in the oldest known picture of any university sporting club, he is pictured alongside his team mates for the 1872/3 season.
The move was laden with symbolism, with congress convening outdoors in the Plaza Bolívar in Caracas a day after Mr Chávez was pictured alongside the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro.
Sometimes Elvis was pictured alone on the cards, but often the Colonel was pictured alongside him, usually in a Santa Claus suit.
Kavita Rao was pictured alongside several super-villains to whom Beast offers to 'sell his soul' for a means to un-do the effects of M-Day.
Interviewed in the April 2012 edition of Total Politics, Engel expressed genuine surprise at her status -she was pictured alongside that of the Coalition leaders and the Speaker in an exhibition on democracy.
Unusually for such a relief, his wife is not pictured alongside him but appears separately.
Schall was not running for office, but had been pictured alongside Minister-President Dieter Althaus and others on CDU election posters.
The buttressed west tower of St Leonard's Church is pictured above, alongside the A61 north of Alfreton.