They found the fleeting picturesque images in the camera obscura so stunning that they wanted to fix them forever.
In one episode, "Blue Lights", Scott creates a picturesque image of a rotating ring of blue lights.
The Vermeer may introduce a rather picturesque image which may not sit well with a contemporary poem.
A handsome, almost picturesque image, it makes pollution humorous.
Zarifopol claimed that, although Caragiale often rejected the tendency of other writers to capitalize on picturesque images, he often used them in his own writings.
Images taken through blue, green, and red filters were combined to form this picturesque image of galaxy interaction.
The skyline was more than a picturesque image - it was actually the corporate trademark.
His company was a tremendous success, exploiting the popularity of picturesque images of Brittany for tourists, which were abundant in the summer months.
One other aspect of the house mars the picturesque image a bit.
A very picturesque and appropriate image, if I may say so.